Vacation Bible School

Registration opens April 1!!!!

Join us this AUGUST at Christ Little Rock for the ultimate Alaskan adventure where the northern lights shine over majestic mountains, racing rivers, and sparkling glacier!! Kids will trek the tundra, discover how easy it is to lose sight of what's true in our wild world today, and then be guided towards Jesus, True North VBS reveals that He is a faithful friend we can always trust. He's our True North

Kids ages 3 - entering 5th Grade are invited August 4-7 for an amazing week at Christ Little Rock!! Each day from 9AM-NOON kids will explore the wilderness as part of TRUE NORTH VBS! Together we will learn that we can trust in Jesus. Kids can expect an awesome week full of exciting adventures, worship, games and hands-on Bible activities to help them grow in their faith and friendship with God.

Would you like to serve? Sign up below!!!!

VBS is an intentional time for kids to hear the gospel, learn Scripture, have fun, and tell their friends about Jesus! While we have a team working to make it the best experience for our kids, we can’t do it without YOU!! If you are interested in serving at VBS, sign up below!

It takes many hands to make VBS run smoothly, the following is a list of what is needed each year. We'd love to have YOU! 

  • Group Leaders

  • Snack Assistants

  • Decorating Team

  • Imagination Station Leaders

  • Game Leaders

  • Bible Leaders

  • Music Leaders

  • PreK Group Leaders



Join us August 10 at our 10:30am Service! Our kids will sing a few songs and share what they learned from VBS! Afterwards join us on the Fox Property for lunch, water games, icecream and more!!!