Visiting a church can be stressful. We've all been where you are right now. So we can say with great confidence, the blessing of finding this church is a rich reward for the stress of the first time visit.
We want to do our part to make your first visit as stress free as possible. Here's our promises to you:
1. We do not want you too embarrassed if you do not know where to go or what to do. We've worked very hard to have directional signs and information stations available to help during your visit. However, signs can be confusing, so we've got several designated greeters around the church lobby. Don't hesitate to ask them questions.
2. We will not embarrass you by calling you out during your visit. We won't ask you to stand and introduce yourself in the service. We won't ask you to wear a big flower or a special pin that targets you as a guest. We appreciate your visit. We will give you plenty of space to enjoy your time with us.
3. You won't be shaken down for money. We don't apologize for the offering during worship time. The gifts we give to the Lord are an expression of gratitude and dependence upon God. However, you are not expected to participate in the offering. You will not be asked to pay for the service, the coffee, or the friends you make during your visit.
4. We will do our best to offer a worship service that allows you to experience the power of God's presence in our midst.
5. We will do our best to give you a message from God's Word that fills you with hope and direction for a better week.
Things to Know
Classic Worship with Hymns: 8am
Modern Worship: 10:30am
Join us for coffee and treats 9am to 10:30am.
Our service runs approximately 60 minutes.
We offer age-appropriate teaching: Families worshipping together, then kids viewing a special message available online during the message.
Special Needs
If you have special needs or considerations, please contact us.
Welcome & What to Expect
Welcome to Christ Little Rock! Now if you are here, I bet you are wondering what Christ Little Rock looks like on a Sunday morning and what to expect when you come through the doors. You know what? We are just a family of faith, going on a journey together.
We don’t have all the answers, but we know where to look for those answers and that is God’s word. We understand that God’s word speaks to us, to our lives and the things that we are going through, and that His promises are through His son, Jesus Christ. You know, if you go on this journey with us, what you will find out is that it doesn’t matter what you come with; it doesn’t matter the struggles or questions you have. What we find out is that God speaks to us and works in us.
You know that is why we have a couple of different Worship Services because there are different people with different questions coming from different pasts. And so we have our 8:00 am Classic Worship. So, if you grew up with the liturgy, the organ, and hymns that speak to you then this is the service for you. If you grew up in a different kind of background and maybe you like a band and a more informal atmosphere then we have a Modern Worship at 10:30 am.
During Modern Worship, we do something a bit different. We have the families worship together because there is nothing more powerful than kids seeing mom and dad worship and praying, but then we break out for age-appropriate teaching. During this, the kids actually leave the Worship Center and they learn the same lesson that we are learning in the Worship Center which leads to great conversations afterward about what each person learned and pulling that all together.
Here at CLR, our goal is to just go on this journey together and dive into God’s word to learn how it applies to our lives in a real and tangible way. And we want to invite you to join us and if you do, we are not going to make you do something weird or dress in a certain kind of way. We aren’t going to speak in a way that you are not going to understand. We are just going to strive to be as real as possible, to dive into God’s word as much as possible.
So, if you come, please point yourself out to a Pastor or Staff Member. We would love to get to know you and maybe grab a cup of coffee.